7 Action Steps to Take After Getting Certified

Getting certified is only the first step in developing business with the other private businesses; or the federal or state government. While your certification is important, it is not the only thing that will help you grow your business.

Here are 7 action steps you should take after you get certified.

  1. Make sure to post your certifications on your website. These days, it is important for you to have a professional website as it serves as your business card and allows you to capture some digital real estate for your benefit.
  2. Make sure to post your certifications on your social media as it shows the world about your business’ credibility.
  3. Have a capabilities statement for your business. This serves as your business resume to show what services your company offers.
  4. If you haven’t already done this, make sure that you are taking the networking opportunities available through your specific certification. For example, if you got your WBE certification through the WBENC, did you know you can access all the other WBE certified companies to reach the procurement officer? Why not introduce yourself and give them your capabilities statement?

Almost all states have programs to support those who have obtained certifications. Once you are listed in the database, it is up to you to maintain it.

  1. Learn the key terms in the contracting process. Do you know what an RFP is? Are you familiar with a Simplified Acquisition Process is? Understanding these terms are important as you start searching for federal and state contracts.
  2. Start networking with local organizations. Some of these might include: The Chamber of Commerce; MeetUp.com; Civic Organizations like the Rotary Club or Kiwanis; Religious groups that can refer you; or 1MillionCups.com.
  3. Reaching out to BizCentral USA for any questions that you might have above or if you need assistance finding help.

You took the initiative to get certified which means you made the decision to take your business to the next level. Keep going with that persistence and move on to the next steps of success.

If at any time you need help, please give us a call at BizCentral USA.

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